NonFiction Now
We can’t travel to New Zealand, alas, but thanks to the wonders of Zoom, I’ll be presenting at a panel there with Brenda Miller, Rebecca Beardsall, Toni Jensen, and Kristiana Kahakauwila
Wild Writers Festival
Join Kirsteen MacLeod, Susan Scott, and me for a conversation about the solace of reading and retreats in pandemic times.
Writers Radio
Now through November 14, listen to an interview with Ingrid Rose and a reading from Big Reader. The show will also be archived.
VMI Omnibus Reading
Join me with Gary Barwin, Jonina Kirton, Betsy Warland, and hosts Elee Kraljii Gardiner and Rachel Rose for a reading celebrating the work of Vancouver Manuscript Intensive’s mentors!
Victoria Festival of Authors, 2021
Join me for readings and music at “A City of their Own,” a live (and livestreamed) event with Sara Desai, Carla Funk, and Tamara Goransen, hosted by Kathryn Calder at the Victoria Festival of Authors, on Oct. 2, 2021.
Kingston WritersFest, 2021
Join me for conversation or a workshop at the Kingston WritersFest.
Wild Words North
I spoke with the wonderful Leona Theis about structure in fiction and nonfiction at the Wild Words North Literary Festival, 2021. You can listen to our conversation on YouTube.
Sign up here!
Join me and my editor, Naomi K. Lewis for the Zoom launch of Big Reader. Sunday, June 6, 2021. 4 pm PDT, 7 pm EDT.
Two Paths to a Draft: FBCW Workshop
Member Price: $15
Non-Member Price is $25
In this 1.5 hour interactive online workshop, we’ll analyze sample texts, review differing approaches to beginning a piece of writing, flex our writing muscles with a few prompts, and consider the importance of form and structure across the genres. You’ll go away with resources and suggestions for further reading, writing, and reflection.
This workshop should be useful for writers at all levels, working in all genres. Come prepared to write!
Sign up here!